Barbara's Thoughts

Barbara's Thoughts
Colorful, Fresh, Interesting

Monday, September 3, 2012

What did I know....

When I first started using blogger,, I have to was a long time ago.. And I then forgot about it.  But, then when we all know that Multiply was Closing their Doors.. Everyone surried around looking for another home to Blog in.

Some mentioned blogger, some mentioned "thoughts" and there were a few others that I can't remember.  Since I already had a Gmail account I decided to go ahead and try Blogger.  And was surprised to see I had already started a blog, but had forgotten about it. 
Now today I finally figured out what was going on when I changed that secure setting for everyone to use. And I didn't want it.  To verify you had to follow instructions that were hard to see.  So I went to you tube and found what I was looking for. I then took that information and used it on the only blog I thought I had.  But, found out it was STILL happening.

Found out right now that I had 2 blogs going, but the first one I started is really not being used. I now need to find out how to delete it.  Another project .... lol...


  1. So now I would like to play around with title pictures or backgrounds. Where should I start?

    1. hope you got that you Tube video I sent you..

    2. I think background would be fun.. because there are so many to choose from. Either from your own pictures, or from what they offer...

  2. Let me go check it out.. because on mine,, I can go up to the top of the page of my blog and on the right upper top is "Design" that is where you go for background stuff..

  3. The main thing is you're up and running Barbara ... just don't trip up.

    1. Hahaaa.. I know.. thank goodness.. Now where are alll my friends from Multiiply?? They scattered about all over the place. Just like Pick up Sticks.. pull the wrong one out.. and they all scattered about..
