Barbara's Thoughts

Barbara's Thoughts
Colorful, Fresh, Interesting

Thursday, August 30, 2012

Wednesday's Thoughts... and Concerns....

Am I really going to get out of this State?  I could only pay for Jenny's Vet bill about half. The bill was $116.00 including her prescription.  I knew this had to be done.. And they knew it had to be done. What did they want me to do??  Tell them to just put her to sleep??  That would have been cheaper than what they did to her.    And poor Jenny has not been active at all.. Just lays around, and sleeps.. I have taken her outside several times today. And she just wants to come back inside. 

I decided to check the mail. And got a letter from Social Security.  Now that I will be of that age where I am "entitled" to Medicare... OH.. but its going to cost me for that entitlement.. $100.00 per month.  Yep.. I'm even more of a Poor person now.  But since I am luck enough to be involved in the Housing Choice Voucher Program.. I called the lady that takes care of it all. And left her a message to call me about this. She actually called 10 minutes later. And told me I had to write her a letter stating that my social security has gone down.. And so my rent will go down also.. Thank God for that.  but, I still have all my little bills to pay. I wonder how I'm going to be able to buy things I really do need. Like I'm really in need of new clothes.  My clothes has been dwindling down to nothing....I've had to wear some winter clothing this summer.. Well, like we really had a long hot summer.. It was right around 10 days of actual summer... LOL...

My aditude about where I am with my finances are not to healthy, but I'm not ever going to let it beat me down if all I have left is $14.72.  As long as I have food to eat, and Jenny Craig has her food, and my bills are paid. I'm NOT EVER going to let it get me down...


1 comment:

  1. Keep that fighting attitude, Barbara. It's good that your rent will go down to help offset the increase in medicare. I'm glad Jenny Craig got to the Vet. Most of them are happy to take payments, I know ours will. Hugs!!
