Barbara's Thoughts

Barbara's Thoughts
Colorful, Fresh, Interesting

Wednesday, October 1, 2014

Jenny Craig's Pain..

My Poor Jenny Craig... We went to the Vet's and they prescribed pain medication. Every morning, she wakes up and starts screaming till the pain pill I push down her throat goes into effect... Its horrible to hear.. 

I have the GoFundMe site up and running and have not even half the funds for the surgery Her Veterinarian e quoted me, but its getting there.  I know there is another place I can take her that would not cost as much as he quoted, but I don't have a car and to get there it would take 3 buses.

I finally called another Vet that is Mobile..And he will be coming out tomorrow between 12 noon to 3 PM.  I have to find someone else that will do the dental surgery for less. I don't know how much longer I can take Jenny in such pain.

I am sharing this site in hopes there are some that are Dog Lovers and would be willing to help with my Fund.

Thank You